Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The Best Ideas For Unusual Wedding Venues

We all dream of that special day. We want our wedding day to be special and to represent our relationship with our one true love. Beyond the traditional church, a gazebo in the park, or even Las Vegas, there are a myriad of unusual wedding venues.

These venues are more memorable and more fun, need less decorating, and are often less expensive than traditional wedding venues. Here are the best ideas!

Get sophisticated and choose a venue such as museum, winery, theater, mansion (think Wrigley or Hearst) or art gallery.

Get fun and choose a venue such as the zoo, aviary, or a riverboat cruise.

Get adventurous and choose an exotic island where you can have your wedding and your honeymoon all in the same place. Or, try a European Ice Bar (think Absolute in London). There are even ice hotels (think Norway).

Get wild and choose a beach or a national park such as Yellowstone. It makes sense to get married in front of “Old Faithful”, doesn’t it?

Get silly and get married on an amphibious Ducky Tour, “Quack! Quack!” Your guests will love exploring your city. Silly would also include getting married at the local McDonald’s or elementary school. But, if that’s where you met…..silly yields romance!

Get romantic! Get married where you and your love met. The local pub, a friend’s back yard, the local community pool, the campus of your almamater, a baseball park or other sports arena, the local Starbucks, or even scuba diving.

Get historic or, even, prehistoric. Get married at a historic venue (think Liberty Bell) or with the dinosaurs at your local museum of natural history (think Carnegie).

Go crazy! Crazy and unusual would surely include getting married while skydiving, in a plane, climbing Mt. Everest, or while in a space rocket (it will happen). Zero Gravity Corporation offers weddings in zero gravity with handsome navy blue jumpsuits for guests.

Of course, there is always Las Vegas (think Elvis). Pick unusual wedding venues that reflect your joys and your relationship and you will have a memorable day enjoyed by all. Good luck and have fun!

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